all postcodes in IP33 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP33 3AA 32 52.247299 0.70966
IP33 3AB 0 52.248124 0.705813
IP33 3AD 0 52.248006 0.70626
IP33 3AF 0 52.246745 0.710621
IP33 3AG 0 52.246895 0.708448
IP33 3AJ 1 52.250128 0.7051
IP33 3AN 1 52.248407 0.704863
IP33 3AP 0 52.249638 0.704498
IP33 3AQ 2 52.2478 0.70739
IP33 3AR 0 52.249405 0.705275
IP33 3AS 1 52.250271 0.70672
IP33 3AT 0 52.24941 0.707386
IP33 3AU 0 52.250999 0.706735
IP33 3AW 0 52.249287 0.704506
IP33 3AY 0 52.250457 0.705647
IP33 3AZ 3 52.247698 0.70441
IP33 3BA 8 52.246271 0.706578
IP33 3BB 2 52.246142 0.704007
IP33 3BD 0 52.24567 0.703802
IP33 3RQ 0 52.247653 0.703175